Saturday, April 5, 2008


I am not sure I will be with this much longer. I just do not know how to do computer stuff and getting my pictures to this sight just is not happening for me. I just do not know how to do this. I have even put the digital camera I was given away for now as it just upsets me anymore.
For those who are remodeling~ I feel for all of you as I know how difficult it can be to be in the middle of such, but it's worth it and is such a blessing to be able to even do such. I am in my 8th month now of this kitchen remodeling. The cabinet's are all in the main kitchen now and I have gotten them all stained and ready for sealing~ least I hope, I have had to go back over the raw wood several time's to get them dark enough to match the ones that came from someones house. The granite tile counter's and back splash are all finally grouted in and I have high hopes that they will get sealed soon as this will mean I can actually empty all my box's, get all washed and figure out where it will all go. I am really looking forward to being in the new kitchen. It is~ except for the counter's~ functional, have been able to cook home meal's more, sure enjoying that. I hope to be back on my Kabatcha Tea again soon too as I can sure feel I have been off it for way to long now. My nail's are thin again, my skin is not looking as nice and I am getting the icky stomach back, which is uncomfortable. I look forward to starting it up again to help these areas as well as getting more of my energy back, better attitude ect.. For anyone who is into this, you know what I am talking about.
We have had the oddest weather this year, even had snow last week ~the end of March~ but I have been lucky to be back into the yard again and have gotten so much done and caught back up. It is looking nicer as each week passes, even if just a little gets done.
Thank you Cat ~ my dear friend~ for you are about the only one who comes to see if I have been in my own blog. I so appreciate your support and encouragement~ wish so that you lived near me to help me post pictures. I just know once I did, this would be so much more fulfilling.
Thank you!!! Blessing's Nanabuzlife