I am not one that gets viewers yet, BUT~~ I am going to be not only getting lessons in how to use a digital camera but how to get them on a computer. If my camera I got for free a year ago is no good I will be getting new one as well. But I am doing a triad with this nice young lady who works at a Shutter Bug to learn all I can. I am so excited. I will be talking with her come the end of Jan. 2009.
I hope all had a wonderful Christmas and will have a wonderful blessed new year filled with good health, happiness and love.
May all your dreams come true.
Blessing and smiles Nanabuzlife
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My New Kitchen!

This is my new kitchen!!! At the 8 month mark, it is ready for us! WaaaHooo It still needs a few pieces of trim here and there, I have yet to do the final varnish on the raw wood of the cabinet's, light fixtures, the flooring will be much later, as will new appliance's, but even they look new in this wonderful kitchen.
The counter's were sealed the 1st of May and I have been going through and washing thing's setting thing up, it's been fun for sure. I am boxing thing's I wont really need for now and will get them out when the other end of the kitchen is done that will have the pantry.
It is such a functional and easy to work in kitchen I still can not believe it is ours!! The counter's are a wonderful lush dark mixed color of green's, the seal makes them just shine.
I am just getting back into cooking, will take me a bit though which surprised me. It's been so long since I was able to cook like I am use to, I need to get that enjoyment energy for it going in full blast which I am sure it will in no time. I have made Ham and Bean's, made with left over Honey Ham bone's that had Lot's of meat on them. Then I made a nice batch of Cream Steak~ Oh Yum, one of our many fav's for sure. Tomorrow I am making Spaghetti, Herb style with a Pineapple carrot jello mold.
Do you see my sink too!! The one I said I adored, it will come with me when ever we move from here that is for sure. I love this sink, it is wonderful! I will be able to bathe my grandson in it too! Who by the way has just started walking. He took his first step's April 28th and is now off and going, so fun. Ha also has 6 teeth now. Those blue eye's are just getting brighter.
The new laundry room is already framed and almost all sheet rocked, lighting.elc., is about done and the plumbing will be ever so soon. So sweet. I will I am sure have my washer and dryer in there soon. Then the old laundry room can be worked on with nothing in the way to convert it into pantry,computer area and eating space. Yes, I am glowing for sure.
Blessing's to all and may every one have the most wonderful mother's day ever.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I am not sure I will be with this much longer. I just do not know how to do computer stuff and getting my pictures to this sight just is not happening for me. I just do not know how to do this. I have even put the digital camera I was given away for now as it just upsets me anymore.
For those who are remodeling~ I feel for all of you as I know how difficult it can be to be in the middle of such, but it's worth it and is such a blessing to be able to even do such. I am in my 8th month now of this kitchen remodeling. The cabinet's are all in the main kitchen now and I have gotten them all stained and ready for sealing~ least I hope, I have had to go back over the raw wood several time's to get them dark enough to match the ones that came from someones house. The granite tile counter's and back splash are all finally grouted in and I have high hopes that they will get sealed soon as this will mean I can actually empty all my box's, get all washed and figure out where it will all go. I am really looking forward to being in the new kitchen. It is~ except for the counter's~ functional, have been able to cook home meal's more, sure enjoying that. I hope to be back on my Kabatcha Tea again soon too as I can sure feel I have been off it for way to long now. My nail's are thin again, my skin is not looking as nice and I am getting the icky stomach back, which is uncomfortable. I look forward to starting it up again to help these areas as well as getting more of my energy back, better attitude ect.. For anyone who is into this, you know what I am talking about.
We have had the oddest weather this year, even had snow last week ~the end of March~ but I have been lucky to be back into the yard again and have gotten so much done and caught back up. It is looking nicer as each week passes, even if just a little gets done.
Thank you Cat ~ my dear friend~ for you are about the only one who comes to see if I have been in my own blog. I so appreciate your support and encouragement~ wish so that you lived near me to help me post pictures. I just know once I did, this would be so much more fulfilling.
Thank you!!! Blessing's Nanabuzlife
For those who are remodeling~ I feel for all of you as I know how difficult it can be to be in the middle of such, but it's worth it and is such a blessing to be able to even do such. I am in my 8th month now of this kitchen remodeling. The cabinet's are all in the main kitchen now and I have gotten them all stained and ready for sealing~ least I hope, I have had to go back over the raw wood several time's to get them dark enough to match the ones that came from someones house. The granite tile counter's and back splash are all finally grouted in and I have high hopes that they will get sealed soon as this will mean I can actually empty all my box's, get all washed and figure out where it will all go. I am really looking forward to being in the new kitchen. It is~ except for the counter's~ functional, have been able to cook home meal's more, sure enjoying that. I hope to be back on my Kabatcha Tea again soon too as I can sure feel I have been off it for way to long now. My nail's are thin again, my skin is not looking as nice and I am getting the icky stomach back, which is uncomfortable. I look forward to starting it up again to help these areas as well as getting more of my energy back, better attitude ect.. For anyone who is into this, you know what I am talking about.
We have had the oddest weather this year, even had snow last week ~the end of March~ but I have been lucky to be back into the yard again and have gotten so much done and caught back up. It is looking nicer as each week passes, even if just a little gets done.
Thank you Cat ~ my dear friend~ for you are about the only one who comes to see if I have been in my own blog. I so appreciate your support and encouragement~ wish so that you lived near me to help me post pictures. I just know once I did, this would be so much more fulfilling.
Thank you!!! Blessing's Nanabuzlife
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A New Earth!
So who is reading this and involved in Opras on line class with Tolle? This is a wonderful time for me to have been given the gift being apart of this. It is only the 2nd chapter and I am so into this. It just drew me to it and I am connecting with so much of what I am reading. I am not a good reader, my eye's work individually and my sight is so poor I have my glass's on while I read and I have to use a magnifying glass as I do as well. But I am finding I don't care, I am getting through it and am devouring all I can.
The kitchen is still in the work's. we are in the 7th month now. We may very well hit a year, specially by the time I get flooring and apply., but that's Ok, I am so lucky to have such even going on. So many could use such as well and I am sure some more so then I. No I still have no gotten picture moved into this yet, with my husband's help now, am trying to figure out how to get them on my E-mail, let alone my blog. I wish I knew how, but like I said, I am not good on this, but someday I will surprise you!
Be happy and keep a smile on and in your heart!
The kitchen is still in the work's. we are in the 7th month now. We may very well hit a year, specially by the time I get flooring and apply., but that's Ok, I am so lucky to have such even going on. So many could use such as well and I am sure some more so then I. No I still have no gotten picture moved into this yet, with my husband's help now, am trying to figure out how to get them on my E-mail, let alone my blog. I wish I knew how, but like I said, I am not good on this, but someday I will surprise you!
Be happy and keep a smile on and in your heart!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Blank and Numbed
I wish I was good at this. I still do not know how to get picture's off my Desk Top and to this thing. No one here has time to show me and I felt lucky to have gotten the Shutter Bug disk pictures onto that. I have pic's of my grandson and the kitchen, but do not know how to retrieve them from there. If anyone has a simple directions step by step to help me I would be ever so greatfull. We have window's Inter., explorer by Comcast.
I have upper cabinet's in now, but not ready for staining yet. If you remember the cabinet's were not made for my kitchen, so there are spaces left between some. He is putting in one's he makes to fill them in. One will be next to my stove and I believe will have slatt's to hold my dish's~ cool ~ but get this, there is one in a corner, odd shape ect.. and he made these shelves that have been routered out and will hold wine bottle for me. 2 of them hold 3 and the one between them holds 2. There is a shelf above those 3 that will be for glass's, opener and such, then a top to cap it off. There will be a rope light going across the top of the upper cabinet's which will be so nice looking, has it's own plug in up there and a switch on the wall. Sweet! There is another he is makeing for the left side of the sink that cut's off short, it will have triangle shelves and there doing something there where I can put some fruit or plant's ect..using plexiglass typ container's to sit on them to put what ever in or they can be removed easy. I am not sure what that's is all about quite yet, but sound's interesting.
The old laundry room is gutted and gone, the washer and dryer cant be moved till I get the stacking dryer to go with my new washer, wont fit in the new laundry room~ when they get it built that is. Will be line drying soon as my very old dryer is going out, sound's like a Mac Truck right now. I also have to save for a new water heater and the work's to move it almost to the other end of the house. Relocating it to a better spot, not so far for the water to travil. The new laundry room should be getting fraimed in soon, they have the $ for the wood and pocket door, plumbing wireing ect.. I moved this computer table and a bunch of box's that hold kitchen weares moved out of the corner where the new laundry room closet/half bath will be going. He has the half arched cealing going into the old "L.R." up and most of the wall's have sheet rock up on them~thing's are moving along. We are just starting the 6th month of construction here. Will sure feel blessed to have a full working kitchen in I hope not to much longer.
We have been getting such odd weather this year, more snow then we have seen in year's, but sure not like the piles some friend's are getting in other States like Cat has. Have thick frost this morning, some black ice, which is dreadfull and so dangerouse. I dont mind driving in snow, but that ice!! EEkkksss I am ready to get out in the yard, it's so over grown after the city dug a couple year's ago to put new pipes in the ground, then I had carpol tunnel surgury on both hand's, so it has not had my full loving care for closs to 3 year's now. I am glad it's not the whold yard. I hope all this cold takes care of some of the bug's that were getting way out of control. Our little frog's who live here take care of alot of the slug's for me, bless there heart's, and some mosketos but mostly there baby's that are still in the water. Best time to get them, before they look for me. I would like to make a pond for them someday as they sure like my yard. We will get thousand's of them, you have to watch your step for sure.
I hope to make this a more interesting stop still, if I can ever get those pictures!!!
I have upper cabinet's in now, but not ready for staining yet. If you remember the cabinet's were not made for my kitchen, so there are spaces left between some. He is putting in one's he makes to fill them in. One will be next to my stove and I believe will have slatt's to hold my dish's~ cool ~ but get this, there is one in a corner, odd shape ect.. and he made these shelves that have been routered out and will hold wine bottle for me. 2 of them hold 3 and the one between them holds 2. There is a shelf above those 3 that will be for glass's, opener and such, then a top to cap it off. There will be a rope light going across the top of the upper cabinet's which will be so nice looking, has it's own plug in up there and a switch on the wall. Sweet! There is another he is makeing for the left side of the sink that cut's off short, it will have triangle shelves and there doing something there where I can put some fruit or plant's ect..using plexiglass typ container's to sit on them to put what ever in or they can be removed easy. I am not sure what that's is all about quite yet, but sound's interesting.
The old laundry room is gutted and gone, the washer and dryer cant be moved till I get the stacking dryer to go with my new washer, wont fit in the new laundry room~ when they get it built that is. Will be line drying soon as my very old dryer is going out, sound's like a Mac Truck right now. I also have to save for a new water heater and the work's to move it almost to the other end of the house. Relocating it to a better spot, not so far for the water to travil. The new laundry room should be getting fraimed in soon, they have the $ for the wood and pocket door, plumbing wireing ect.. I moved this computer table and a bunch of box's that hold kitchen weares moved out of the corner where the new laundry room closet/half bath will be going. He has the half arched cealing going into the old "L.R." up and most of the wall's have sheet rock up on them~thing's are moving along. We are just starting the 6th month of construction here. Will sure feel blessed to have a full working kitchen in I hope not to much longer.
We have been getting such odd weather this year, more snow then we have seen in year's, but sure not like the piles some friend's are getting in other States like Cat has. Have thick frost this morning, some black ice, which is dreadfull and so dangerouse. I dont mind driving in snow, but that ice!! EEkkksss I am ready to get out in the yard, it's so over grown after the city dug a couple year's ago to put new pipes in the ground, then I had carpol tunnel surgury on both hand's, so it has not had my full loving care for closs to 3 year's now. I am glad it's not the whold yard. I hope all this cold takes care of some of the bug's that were getting way out of control. Our little frog's who live here take care of alot of the slug's for me, bless there heart's, and some mosketos but mostly there baby's that are still in the water. Best time to get them, before they look for me. I would like to make a pond for them someday as they sure like my yard. We will get thousand's of them, you have to watch your step for sure.
I hope to make this a more interesting stop still, if I can ever get those pictures!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Happenings!
I now have a SINK!!! It's wonderful to be washing dish's standing up, my back and knee's are so grateful. I love my new sink, it's a Siligranit (Hope that's spelled right) sink, I believe made from ground granite and a type of plastic or something. It's not real heavy but wont chip, crack, dent, STAIN, nothing! I recommend this to anyone who Cannes food. I can allot of different thing's. Make my own raisin's, strawberry and banana chip's crunchy and our favorit~chewy, Jam's and Jelly's, veggies and fruit of all sort's.
I have a new faucet on this baby too that has the sprayer that you can pull down in the head of it. New disposal but not hooked up to use yet.
I also am going to be getting a used camera from my mom's husband Chuck, thanks Chuck! He has the book and all and when I can get over to pick it up he will show me how to use it so I have a start. I am new toy challenged and takes me for ever to learn this new electronic stuff they have out now day's. Soon as I figure out how to work it I will put pictures on of my kitchen and of me. Hope I don't scare anyone! :)
Blessings and keep a smile!
I have a new faucet on this baby too that has the sprayer that you can pull down in the head of it. New disposal but not hooked up to use yet.
I also am going to be getting a used camera from my mom's husband Chuck, thanks Chuck! He has the book and all and when I can get over to pick it up he will show me how to use it so I have a start. I am new toy challenged and takes me for ever to learn this new electronic stuff they have out now day's. Soon as I figure out how to work it I will put pictures on of my kitchen and of me. Hope I don't scare anyone! :)
Blessings and keep a smile!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Today is the first day of 2008. I pray all are greeted with Joy, laughter, a big heart for other's, blessing's that there heart desires and needs. May you and your family's prayer's of good health and trouble to go free be granted. May there always be a smile on your face and happiness in your heart.
I am going into this new year with a kitchen that is still not finished. Patience I say, all thing's work out at some point. It has been 4 month's now. I am still blessed with a bath tub to wash my dish's in, an oven that is now plugged in and can be used, counter's unfinished and it's a no no to put anything on them, so cooking is not at it's best by far. We all missed the home made Mint Truffles, Oh Yum, something to think about for a time. Humbous are sticking in thought, pondering the making and enjoyment of there wonderful texture and flavor. One of the first of many missed meal's to come. We have a few teen boy's who cant wait for the home made sour dough pizza I make, with a touch of hickory wonder.
Making myself hungry!
Do hope you enjoyed your Christmas and had a safe new year's.
I am now thinking of a list for thing's to do through the year and getting them on the calender. The ever wanting to loose those pounds all talk off, the garden's to come, sewing project's, canning, Oh, so much we want to do.
Blessing's Nana
I am going into this new year with a kitchen that is still not finished. Patience I say, all thing's work out at some point. It has been 4 month's now. I am still blessed with a bath tub to wash my dish's in, an oven that is now plugged in and can be used, counter's unfinished and it's a no no to put anything on them, so cooking is not at it's best by far. We all missed the home made Mint Truffles, Oh Yum, something to think about for a time. Humbous are sticking in thought, pondering the making and enjoyment of there wonderful texture and flavor. One of the first of many missed meal's to come. We have a few teen boy's who cant wait for the home made sour dough pizza I make, with a touch of hickory wonder.
Making myself hungry!
Do hope you enjoyed your Christmas and had a safe new year's.
I am now thinking of a list for thing's to do through the year and getting them on the calender. The ever wanting to loose those pounds all talk off, the garden's to come, sewing project's, canning, Oh, so much we want to do.
Blessing's Nana
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