Monday, May 24, 2010

Consistent Habit's

We had a great time with our grandson, daughter and her significant other.
Lot's of laughing, eating and talking. Taylor got this tow truck (from Car's) called Mater. It is remote controlled, but I forgot the batteries. We finally found enough so he could play with it. Man did he have a blast! But then, he held it up to his head and he got his hair all wound around the wheel. The truck keeps going back wards till you hit the button which makes it got forward. They really should have it where it stops and has a button to hit for each way. Was a real mess getting his hair out. Our eldest finally got his hair out of it though.
I got my two cakes done, both Yummy!
Staying away from them today as best I can! I have had just a couple bit's.
I did my elliptical today, will do my core when off this.
Need to drink my Tea yet too! This I missed yesterday as well.
Don't want to start that again!! Now that I have a fresh batch!
OK~~ Now I did drink my Tea!! ;)
I have my food logged in for today as well, though I have not eaten
my dinner yet, it's on there!
Got allot of errands done today.
Will go to D.M.V. tomorrow for a new title to my paid off car. Ya Ya
Is to be cloudy all week. I was upset for not getting my garden in yet, still even need compost! Tilling as well. But we have had such down pours, hale etc.. that those who did get there gardens in are having trouble with flooded beds.
So maybe I will have better timing.
Blessings and Happy Habits

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