Sunday, April 25, 2010

Forming Consistant Habit's

OK, getting all caught up now, don't I feel better! He he
I took my son for a late breakfast at "I Hop" today. Had one french
pancake with fresh strawberry's, 2 scrambled eggs, 4 pieces of bacon and
a hazelnut coffee. Saw my mom, and had one of her cookies while there.
They found my son a great back pack.
Dinner was at Chan's. Had half a doz.. Mandarin Chicken pieces, about the same BBQ pork and a glass of wine.
Had a few nut's (choc) at home.
I did my 600 steps today And remembered my "K" tea all on my own, today anyhow!
I hope I am on my way to improving in remembering and having better habits.
It's been 2 weeks now. I can not believe I have done this for 2 week's!!
Now, let's see if I can get further. Like 2 months!!
Blessings and Happy Habit's!

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